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Call for Expression of Interest to be a member of the IUCN Expert Assessment Group for the Green List (EAGL) for Malaysia

Call for Expressions of Interest to become a member of the IUCN Expert Assessment Group for the Green List (EAGL) for Malaysia
We are seeking Expressions of Interest from candidates based in Malaysia to join a vibrant and active Malaysian Green List community as a member of the IUCN Expert Assessment Group for the Green List (EAGL) for Malaysia.
The IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas Programme was launched in 2014 to recognise and promote fairly governed and effectively and equitably managed protected and conserved areas worldwide.
The EAGLs are at the core of the Green List implementation and are established in every participating jurisdiction. EAGLs’ role is to evaluate and assess applications from protected/conserved areas seeking to achieve Green List accreditation based on the Adapted IUCN Green List Standards for Malaysia.
Being an EAGL member secures the opportunity to join a global Green List community of protected and conserved area practitioners and stakeholders in more than 60 countries through the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA). We highly encourage interested applicants to visit to explore the latest developments in Green List in Malaysia and our current EAGL team.
EAGL members contribute time and expertise on a voluntary basis, in a personal capacity without representing any organisation(s). The IUCN GLPCA User Manual contains more details on EAGL roles and the competency criteria. Knowledge related to protected and conserved areas and related social issues will be of additional value. Please contact Ms Lavaniadevi Gopalakrishnan ( to find out more about EAGL.
Interested individuals are kindly requested to apply no later than 28 February 2025 via
Applicants will need to provide:
- Professional experience in a table format.
- A self-evaluation of competency.
- A short statement explaining your interest in joining the EAGL.
- A declaration of your relevant interests to manage any potential Conflict of Interest.
- Confirmation of your commitment to dedicate up to 10 days of volunteer time per year (0.8 days per month) to the EAGL tasks for at least two years. Travel and logistic expenses will be covered.