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A Comprehensive Literature Review on the Conservation of Ulu Muda Forest Complex

This report provides a compilation, review and summarisation of previous conservation and protection studies in Ulu Muda Forest Complex to provide a holistic vision and direction for stakeholders wishing to protect this landscape. The forest complex has been identified as an important area for conservation by WWF-Malaysia since 1984. While various studies on Ulu Muda had been conducted especially from the aspects of conservation and protection, none has so far compiled the findings of all these studies into one publication. For this report, WWF-Malaysia reviewed 81 past studies that cover aspects of fauna, flora and ecosystem services of the Ulu Muda Forest Complex. Apart from the first comprehensive checklist of the biodiversity and mapping of all the known studies, it also presents research gaps in Ulu Muda Forest Complex. 

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A Comprehensive Literature Review on the Conservation of Ulu Muda Forest Complex

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