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A Case Study on Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs) by Communities from Tun Mustapha Park, Kudat

Tun Mustapha Park is facing various threats from harmful fishing practices, unsustainable commercial fishing methods, and encroachment by local and foreign fishing vessels. Furthermore, the consumption and trade of poached marine turtle eggs adversely affects the species' survival. Climate change compounds the already fragile marine life and habitats and impacts coastal communities. Through funding from the European Union, a four-year project implemented by WWF-Malaysia supported the development and governance of community-managed areas by strengthening community participation in resource management, development of community protocols or management plans, and establishment of sustainable livelihood initiatives. Throughout the project, several measures have been taken to enhance the sustainability of community-led initiatives. Moreover, the long-term success of the communities' efforts in strengthening their ICCAs will also rely on the continued support of civil society partners, government stakeholders and relevant enforcement agencies.

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A Case Study on Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs) by Communities from Tun Mustapha Park, Kudat

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