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International workshop on Heart of Borneo Corridor Project Implementation

3 Nov 2015 Kuching: Forest Department Sarawak and WWF-Malaysia are jointly organizing an international workshop on the realisation of a shared framework to connect protected areas in the Heart of Borneo Member Countries: Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia (the provinces of Kalimantan) and Malaysia (the states of Sabah and Sarawak).

3 Nov 2015 Kuching: Forest Department Sarawak and WWF-Malaysia are jointly organizing an international workshop on the realisation of a shared framework to connect protected areas in the Heart of Borneo Member Countries: Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia (the provinces of Kalimantan) and Malaysia (the states of Sabah and Sarawak).
The ultimate goal of this Heart of Borneo Corridor Project is to create connectivity between protected areas, well-managed forest management areas and sustainable land uses. This should eventually form a large conservation focused landscape in the Heart of Borneo that could potentially make it the worlds’ longest connected landscape managed under transboundary collaboration.
The workshop on this Corridor Project proposal that has been deliberated by the three Heart of Borneo Member States since 2013, will be held on Nov 3 and 4 at the Century Hotel –formally known as Four Points Hotel- in Kuching.
The Chief Minister of Sarawak is expected to give the official speech for the opening of this international workshop on November 3rd at 11.00 hours.
During the workshop, participants comprising over one hundred regulators, land use managers, conservationists, scientists and other international stakeholders from Borneo and the region will get an understanding of the lessons learned in various existing corridor projects in Asia. Participants are also informed on the implementation of possible sustainable finance options for conservation and sustainable development projects.
As the 21st century dawns on a world that strives for progress and development, the health of nature, biodiversity and the environment hangs in the balance. It is only in addressing the health of the planet that we can continue to pursue higher standards of livelihood and way of life. The Heart of Borneo Member Countries’ endeavour to pursue this balance in a strategic and achievable way, through –amongst others- is the HoB Corridor Project.
In Borneo there are numerous protected areas dedicated for the conservation of biodiversity and protection of ecosystems. Most of them exist in isolation however, with very few of them bordering one another. Those that are located adjacent to each other but separated by national borders are managed under different management systems according to the respective national policies. In between these protected areas exist a variety of land uses, such as agricultural or forestry domains. This workshop aims to lay the groundwork for a cohesive framework that transcends all three countries, to coordinate the different legislative and management regimes.
Speakers and facilitators come from different backgrounds; they include Dr Ghana Gurung, Conservation Director of WWF Nepal, Professor Lau Seng, Director of the Centre for Water Research from the University Malaysia Sarawak, Dr Prabianto Wibowo, Deputy Minister from the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, and Ben Ridley, Regional Head of Sustainability Affairs for Asia-Pacific of Credit Suisse AG, Hong Kong.

For further information:

Dr. Henry Chan, Heart of Borneo Leader, WWF-Malaysia and WWF-Indonesia
Email: hchan@wwf.org.my
Tel: +60 19889 3230

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